Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa - Cleaning Supplies Karditsa - Carpets Karditsa - Cleaning Systems Karditsa

Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa - Cleaning Supplies Karditsa - Carpets Karditsa - Cleaning Systems Karditsa

27880 Visitors:
Address: Aza 20
Area: Karditsa
Telephone: 2441071673
Mobile: 6936771886
P.C.: 43100
Fax: 2441071673
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The cleaning crew, headed by Mr BAKAROS PANAGIOTIS, is the fastest and most efficient in Karditsa. It provides you with complete and professional cleaning services thanks to its specialized staff. Its goal is the high quality of work at the lowest possible cost for you and the consistency of its respect for the environment. It undertakes the general cleaning, maintenance and protection of your professional and home space, cleaning carpets Karditsa. It features cleaning items for sale whole...
27880 Visitors:

Aza 20, Karditsa

27880 Visitors:

The cleaning crew, headed by Mr BAKAROS PANAGIOTIS, is the fastest and most efficient in Karditsa. It provides you with complete and professional cleaning services thanks to its specialized staff.

Its goal is the high quality of work at the lowest possible cost for you and the consistency of its respect for the environment.

It undertakes the general cleaning, maintenance and protection of your professional and home space, cleaning carpets Karditsa. It features cleaning items for sale wholesale and retail, cleans blankets and duvets and undertakes the biological cleaning of your living room.

It uses the most modern methods of cleaning carpets, carpets, carpets and guarantees better cleaning even for the most difficult occasions, such as handmade carpets. Provides free storage in a specially designed area and serves you with pick up and delivery at your place.


Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa general cleaning of buildings
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa cleaning professional space
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa maintenance of professional space
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa window cleaning
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa cleaning of apartment buildings
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa office cleaning
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa cleaning of buildings
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa biological cleaning of salons
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa cleaning items
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa stationery
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa wholesale retailer cleaners
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa cleaning blanket
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa quilt cleaning
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa carpet cleaning
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa carpet cleaning
Bacaros - Cleaning Services Karditsa Thessalia - Cleaning Carpets Karditsa carpet storage
27880 Visitors:

Aza 20

Telephone: 2441071673
Mobile: 6936771886

Working Hours
